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CUNO CFS300WS Commercial Water Softening System

CUNO CFS300WS Commercial Water Softening System

Cuno water softeners offer more than just soft water; they provide soft water to equipment areas where it is fully beneficial, partially softened water to food service equipment as needed, and zero-hardness water to high temperature applications.

Converting scale-forming hardness minerals such as calcium and magnesium to soft, non-scale forming water prevents:

  • build-up in pipes, valves and boilers which can reduce flow to equipment.
  • unsightly spotting on dishes, glasses and silverware.
  • staining and rings on toilets and sinks.

3M Water Filtration Product CFS300WS Water Softener, Reduces hardness with a capacity of 57,000 grains and a service flow rate of 14.0 gpm (53 lpm).